Friday, 27 April 2007

To be or Not to be!!

I always wonder how true the adage is -

The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.

or simply put it- Decision Making

One thing I hate to make.

I try shunning away, ignore, forget, even sleep to get up amnestic the next day, yet it always follows me in every breath of my life!!

Wish I could have been an ostrich, bury my head in sand..but how long?until my neck breaks?

When I wonder abt all the desions I have made till now, some fairly easy, some really tough, some gave a sense of pride, some regretful, some funny,some painful and many yet to make!!!

I am learning that decison making is an art, a piece of work which defines the trajectory of one' life.

It finally drills down to a simple choice between

want and need
wish and desire
like and love.

From what I have learnt, good decisions come from Experience and Experience comes from bad decisions.

P.S : Guess Philosopher in me woke up:):)


I said...

Sometimes .. it boils down to want -- need , love - like.. but... often its more complex..

My take .. most decisions never come in yes or no.. it also comes with all these shades in between them ;)

U agree ?

b+forever said...

Ya..true..Mostly in a complex fashion involving other decisions.

Unknown said...

Not for the sake of argument but i truly believe that every decision comes only in 2 flavors - yes n no.. they mite involve other decisions but in their entirety - its a simple yes or a no..

The complexity is in the eye of the beholder :)