Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Not fake for once!

Sometimes it takes a lifetime or even life (read as death)to drive a passion into reality.

On sunday, I saw a documentary on Steve Irwin, the crocodile Hunter who chased his dream unto death.

Very Little did the lucky stingray know, that it touched the heart of a person, one among few denizens who truly beleived Impossible means I 'm Possible.

Crocs- dumbest creatures of earth!!!!...probably thats why they were able to survive for 120 million years on this planet!!!

" taming Crocs"very weird and unrealistic idea!!! ...Is there a better Oxymoron ?

They are not priviledged polar beer or pandas (new stars of aniwood), abt whom humans have suddenly become very compassionate in the mere fear of their extinction(fear is : their grand children cant hunt these creatures like they did)

This idea sounded absurd only until ugly crocklings caught the attention of a exuberant personality who told them they can also make money entertaining humans like monkey or elephants !!!

Crocoseum - a open air theatre for crocs to display their charm!!!...A place where they can consider themselves to be as intellegent as dolphins and spin and dive and dance and win the cheer and applause of crowd gathered.

Looks like building a castle in air? Yes it did for the australian zoo authorities as well...until steve went that extra mile of becoming croc's friend and took some daring steps to bring some of wildest crocs and host them as beauty peagents in the arena of fame.

This must have really agonized other creatures of the sea world of not getting to limelight and a planned assasination was committed by a daring stingray to end his mission.

As nothing comes free of costs, he paid his life as price for his goodwill for crocs..

Only he was stung not his dreams!!!!

Crocs shed tears for their godfather- for once its not fake tears!!!!!

1 comment:

Suresh S said...

I hope another steve irwin will come up soon to keep his dreams alive,,,