Wednesday, 28 March 2007

WYTWYA Arithmetic

Attitude + Thoughts = Dream

Dream+Want= Desire

Desire+Priority= Aim

Aim+ Stratergy = Action

Action + Effort = Acheivement

Achievement + Applaud = Success

Success + Practice =Mastery

Mastery + Popularity = Fame

Fame + Regard = Esteem

Esteem + Understanding = Humbleness

Humbleness + values = Character

Character + deeds = Personality

Personality + Outlook = Attitude

Total : Attitude determines one's Altitude!!

Wonder abt title?? What You Think is What You Are.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

At Crossroads.

Brightly lit Sky Scrapers
24/7 -Round the clock best services
Human Resources in tens of thousands
Turnover in Billions
Projects all over the world
Fat Paychecks and Perks
Multi Cuisine Cafes and Restaurants
Annual Holidays in Swiss and Bahamas
Real Estates roaring in lakhs per sqft
Sensex Soaring the best 10K mark
NRIs- a New Religion of Identity
This is Urban India-World's Back Office

Nill Electricty to Light Homes
Wells void of water to irrigate lands
Too few people to work in fields
Daily Wages which could hardly make the ends meet
Paddy or Vegetable or sugarcane-a reap too less to make a profit
Fertilizer-quite a costly affair to keep up yield
Agri Loans-a distant dream to repay
'Suicide' turning out to be a righteous option.
Farmers- Falling Race in Mass Erosion of Rustic Society
This is Rural India-country's backbone ( untils few years back)

India Shining-At its Crossroads!!

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Not fake for once!

Sometimes it takes a lifetime or even life (read as death)to drive a passion into reality.

On sunday, I saw a documentary on Steve Irwin, the crocodile Hunter who chased his dream unto death.

Very Little did the lucky stingray know, that it touched the heart of a person, one among few denizens who truly beleived Impossible means I 'm Possible.

Crocs- dumbest creatures of earth!!!!...probably thats why they were able to survive for 120 million years on this planet!!!

" taming Crocs"very weird and unrealistic idea!!! ...Is there a better Oxymoron ?

They are not priviledged polar beer or pandas (new stars of aniwood), abt whom humans have suddenly become very compassionate in the mere fear of their extinction(fear is : their grand children cant hunt these creatures like they did)

This idea sounded absurd only until ugly crocklings caught the attention of a exuberant personality who told them they can also make money entertaining humans like monkey or elephants !!!

Crocoseum - a open air theatre for crocs to display their charm!!!...A place where they can consider themselves to be as intellegent as dolphins and spin and dive and dance and win the cheer and applause of crowd gathered.

Looks like building a castle in air? Yes it did for the australian zoo authorities as well...until steve went that extra mile of becoming croc's friend and took some daring steps to bring some of wildest crocs and host them as beauty peagents in the arena of fame.

This must have really agonized other creatures of the sea world of not getting to limelight and a planned assasination was committed by a daring stingray to end his mission.

As nothing comes free of costs, he paid his life as price for his goodwill for crocs..

Only he was stung not his dreams!!!!

Crocs shed tears for their godfather- for once its not fake tears!!!!!

Friday, 9 March 2007

Getting old -a curse???

dad and son at dinner table.....
unwilling (read as forceful commitment ) rare mishap for son amidst his busy per/profess life..

most awaited and excited festivity for dilapidated dad...

after exachanging the normal greetings and talking abt the next kit and kiln for few seconds.. there is a void for words amongst the two...... as if stangers from different parts of the world who have nothing common to share and just dropped under one roof by mere chance....

not wanting to waste the little time he gets to spend with breaks the ice....
pointing to the chicken curry on table

dad: bittu, which one came first....egg or hen??(as if there is nothing else to ask ... to hear his son's sweet voice )

son:.. hen(grrrrrrr...grumbling and dumb could dad get more than this??)

dad: where did the hen come from??

son: egg(god!!! me from this craziness......)

dad:where did that egg come from????(as if his ignorance is a bliss to his son)...

the so called conversation continues for 10 times dad asking the same question until son realizes that his head will blow up next second of anger.....

son: STOPPPPPPPP it Dad,...whats this nonsense....i am going thro hell answering ur stupid questions...dont u have a common sense to know this small thing at ur 60's....are u kidding me...and xyz...and xyz...and xyz.......until whole of dad's heart is pierced with sharp nails called words...until son got exhausted and contended with the fire that gobbled out of his mouth....

another voice came into his ears as a savior ...'sir visiting time over....u got to leave the ashram now' and when is just baout to esacape hell..

dad: u asked this question atleast 25 times a day lying on my lap when u were 5 years old!!!!!....

is getting old a curse??????

we pity the departed souls if they are young...poor unfortunate that he couldnt expereience the happiness of this world for some more time...

they give a smirk high up from sky....u duffer.....u will know that this boon in disguise when u get old......

as bubble is for is youth for man's life!!!

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

is it really difficult to speak out my mind?

"I have landed"

looks like a prospective hollywood blockbuster title for Mr cruise or Smith to add a feather to their cap of stardom !!

neverthless its my homecoming to share my mind!!!!!!!

Yes..i am yet again joining the bandwagon of not the IT world or settling in new country..but to start blogging as I consider it a best way to kill my time and to bore you guys who are already bored and searching for someone else's blog .........i can see a small curve on ur face acknowledging this.

Never have I nurtured or horned my writing skills till now (like writing diarys or scribbling a poem)other than loading my exam papers with words...all the best ways of beating around the bush and tellin the same thing in so many different ways as if it could all make different senses and fetch me that rounded figure to keep my life going......
madras univ zindabad!!!!!!!!......
thank god there is a method of recycling papers otherwise amazon forest would have been depleted by now!!!!!!..

see again i am beating around the bush....if only i am able to discretely recognise what i am trying to i want it,.short and sweet.. crisp -to the point!!! me ..he..he..

Did i want to write about...USA's defiance in iraq ...the so called superpoliceman of the world showing the poor souls of iraq their way to heaven and silently cultivating more jihadees for us to witness more 9/11 and 7/7 s??

or is it about recent row over big brother and shilpa's new image as savior of indian's accomodativeness and cultural strength..

or is it the ever fluctuating stock market abt which i never undestood till now...which shares to buy and when to sell it making a fat profit at someone else's loss....

my conscience says ' oh...common rash!!..everyone now know u r well updated with current affairs with power of internet and there are hundreds of 24 hrs television around the world eyeing for every little news abt all the above make it or break it ..tell everyone what u r writing abt?'

my sweet little conscience doenst undestand that its the same old problem of starting trouble....or is it really diificult to speak out my mind???????

nevermind...there aint much i want to convey either.....its not a polotically motivated speech to attract mass nor a sugar coated love letter to impress some guy so that he falls heads on toes for me......

its all about finding what i want and what i have achieved so far!!!!!! simple or complicated as it sounds....... For a journey called 'life' (beleive me ..chevrolet stole this caption from me)...

one thing i beleive in is 'making life more beutiful'..
everyone has a reason for their existance..and everything happens for my dad says 'every crisis is oppurtunity' greatness never lies in not falling at all but rising everytime i fall.......but never quit to b(+) positive coz even blood says so....

i have started this exploration and so u get on board to find out more!!!...